Electronic Document Delivery
Electronic document delivery makes it possible of order an electronic copy of documents from the stocks of the Kirov Regional Scientific Library.
According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part 4) regulating the rules of copying, the users can get electronic copies of documents, that are public property. The documents which the exclusive right of the author has stopped are included here.
Regulations and conditions under which the book orders from Herzen Library are fulfilled
Orders should be sent in the prescribed form to the address: mba@herzenlib.ru (order form).
Electronic Documents Delivery operates on a fee basis.
You can refine bibliographic information about the necessary documents using electronic catalogue of the library.
After the receiving the ort and checking the availability of the desired issue in the stocks, the user will be informed about the possibility of fulfilling the order and its price.
The user can pay for his (her) order by mail or bank transfer to the current account of the library.
The time for fulfilling an order is from 1 till 5 days.
Warning! You haven’t right to make more copies from the received copy, reproduced it any other manner than it’s authorized by low. You may use the copy with a scientific and educational view.