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Herzen’s Memorial Study

Memorial Study of A. I. Herzen is a scientific, research, cultural and educational center.

Herzen’s name added a glorious page to the Library’s history. In order to conserve unique books collected by the library for two centuries, a Book Monuments Regional Center was organized. Its main objective is to preserve rare and valuable books and the first year of the library’s existence books. Among them there are books, collected by A. I. Herzen to the Library’s opening.

This event was of such importance for the provincial town that it put Vyatka into the ranks of the progressive governments. A. I. Herzen was a wonderfully educated man, a philosopher, a thinker, a brilliant writer. The memory of him we, vyatichi should preserve. That’s why the Herzen’s Memorial Stady was opened on the 17th of December 2010.

This event became possible thanks to an entrepreneur Valerii Vasilyevich Krepostnov his consideration and understanding. His noble deed underlines that sponsorship traditions haven’t been yet forgotten in Vyatka. After thorough reconstruction the study was formed. The study interior is typical for the provinces in the middle of the 19th century. The place of the study is not accidental. The room was a temporary dwelling for A. I. Herzen in April – May 1837. This fact was proved scientifically by local history researcher A. Tinsky.

Herzen lived there for a very short period of time, but nevertheless, traces of his stay here remained. These traces remained in his reminiscences, letters, literary works: “About myself”, “A young man’s notes”, “Patriarchal morals and manners in the town of Malonov”, “My past and thoughts”. Herzen wrote in a letter to his bride in 1837: “I’ve moved to Ern and there’s a wonderful view from my room: I can see a field and a river.” During his years in Vyatka, he was in correspondence with Natalia Alexandrovna. Herzen unburdened his heart, his feelings and impressions in his letters. In Vyatka his love to this woman got stronger and Alexander Ivanovich carried it for the rest of his life.

Artistic accessories were made by a member of Artist’s Union Alexander Seleznyev.

Herzen liked spring, he adored sun, so rare in this northern town. And the artist Seleznyev, being a master of great panorama works, recreates landscapes reproducing Vyatka’s architecture of the first half of the XIX century. The author tries to full this town with life. We can see well-dressed girls with umbrellas, gallant officers on horses, constables and playing children. These windows to old Vyatka revive the past of the town and young Herzen’s feelings.

Photos, made in the 19th century are in addition to the original artistic exposition of the study. Old Vyatka’s views, churches and streets are depicted on them. One can also see the portraits-reproductions of Herzen and his ralatives.

It is impossible to imagine Herzen’s Memorial Study without lifetime literary works of the writer. In Vyatka Herzen continued writing novels (“Helen”, “Second Meeting”), here he got a copy of a journal “Telescope” with the first published article “Hoffmann”. “Domestic Notes” (1840, vol. 13) published a novel “Notes of a young man” – an early work and a real evidence of Herzen’s talent. All his lifetime productions and the next are represented in the study. One can see Herzen’s works in German, English, French, dating book to the first half of the XIX century and archive documents, antique interior items from the Kirov State Local Study Museum and the Library’s own collection.

The chief librarian Moshkina Alevtina Nickolaevna works there.