Local Studies Collection “Memory of Vyatka”
A unique collection of books about local history, geography and culture and local documents is kept in the library’s bookstock. It is called “Vyatka’s memory” (Memory of Vyatka).
This collection has being set up since the first year of the library due to the resolution of the Vyatka executive committee about the free obligatory deposit copy of each local edition. The collection numbers more than 25000 documents and embraced books, periodicals, maps, photos, postcards, information on electronic carriers etc.
The earliest document of the collection is “Regulations (ustav) of the colleges for clerks in chancery” (Vyatka, 1828). Among the most significant publications are: works of Vyatka historians A. I. Veshtomov, A. S. Vereshchagin, D. K. Zelenin, P. N. Luppov etc.: the first official local newspaper – “Vyatsky governmental bulletin (1838-1917)”; “Memorable books and calendars of Vyatka province” (1854-1916); “Review of Vyatka province” (1870-1915); registers of provincial and uyezd territorial assemblies (1867-1917).
Today the collection is formed by the library’s Book chamber, organized in 2002. The editions are kept and loaned to readers in the local literature department . The collection gets more than 1000 editions annualy.