Collection of Rare and Valuable Books Published in Russia
— Book Collection “From the First Year of Library’s Existence” — Manuscript Collection of the XVI-XIX centuries
— Book Collections of Cyrillic Printing
— Book Collection of Civil Printing
— Domestic Publication Collection of the XIX-XXI centuries
— Collection of E. D. Petryaev’s Books
— Collection of I. I. Khalturin’s Books
A special place in this collection is devoted to the book collection “From the First year of the library’s existence” (1718-1837, 651 issues).
A. I. Herzen took part in the arrangement of this collection. It includes books both interesting and diverse according with the content. These are the works of outstanding Russian historians V. N. Tatishchev, N. M. Shcherbakov, I. N. Boltin; remarkable Russian travellers and naturalists I. I. Lepyokhin, S. P. Krasheninnikov, V. T. Zuev and others, periodicals. Among the most interesting books of this collection is the work of Samuel Pufendorff, which is entitled “An introduction into european history written in German by Samuel Pufendorff, later in Latin by Johann Frederik Kramer. Now in according with the order of Pyotr I, All-Russian emperor from Latin into Russian translated (G. Buzhinsky). Published in St. Petersberg, 5 December, 1718”. Such long title were typical in that period. The book was presented by Spassky archpriest Pyotr Orlov to the Vyatka Public Library.
Books from this collection are reflected in a printed library catalogue “Books from the 1st year of library’s existence: catalogue / comp.: K. M. Voikhanskaya, S. A. Shikhova. – Kirov , 1987 – 127 p.: ill.”
Manuscript collection of the XVI-XIX centuries (253 issues).
Among them there are such unique books as “Chronicle” (3d quarter of the XVII cent), “Collection of writings and translations of N. G. Spapharia” (end of the XVII cent), “Hagiographies of Trifon Vyatskii and Prokopii (handwritten copy of the of XVII cent; 3 copies of the XIX cent).
Book collection of Cyrillic printing (1581-1915, 563 issues).
The oldest book of this collection – the Bible, printed by Ivan Fyodorov in Ostrog in 1581, the latest one - “[ Frolov G. E. ]. The straight and narrow leading Christian to the sin’s forgiveness” issued vyatsky book printer Luka Grebenev in a settlement Staraya Tushka in Malmyzhskii uyezd of Vyatka province.
There are a lot of notes of the XVII-XX centuries, marks and owner’s stamps on the books of this collection.
Part of this books are reflected in “The union catalogue of Cyrillic printing books from the stock of library and museums of the town of Kirov. Issue 1: XVI – XVII cent. / comp. S. A. Shikhova. – Kirov, 2004. – 96 p.”
Book collection of civil printing (1710-1830, 4335 issues). This collection includes books issued during the reign of Peter the First, works of outstanding russian scientist M. V. Lomonosov, editions of a well-known figure of russian enlightenment and bibliophile of the XVIII century – N. I. Novikov etc. Visitors cannot but admire “Iliad” by Homer, published in St. Petersburg in 1787. This is the first russian edition of the poem translated from ancient Greek. Ermil Kostrov, born in a settlement Sinegorje, Vyatka province, translated it.
Books from this collection can be found on the Russian National Library’s site “Russian Book of Civil printing of the ХVIII century in the bookstock of Russia’s Libraries”.
Domestic publication collection of the XIX-XXI embraced intravital books editions of classics in science, literature and art; issues of great artistic design and books wonderfully printed are kept here. Among them you can see a splendid publication of non-Euclidean geometry’s author N. I. Lobachevsky – “Imaginable geometry”, printed in Kazan in 1835 (presented by the author to the student A. Popov, who was born in Vyatka); the first edition of a historical drama “Boris Godunov” by A. S. Pushkin (St.Petersb., 1831) and others.
Books from private libraries, presented to Herzenka are also kept in this sector. Book collection of E. D. Petryaev (5495 issues) – scientist, military doctor, culture historian, bibliologist, bibliophil – is versatile according to content. There are many ex-librises, owner’s stamps, notes in the books of this collection.
Book collection of I. I. Khalturin (296 issues) – editor, compiler, founder of soviet literature for children, is especially interesting thanks to a great number of autographs of famous soviet writers and poets, artists and scientists: S. Ja. Marshak, M. M. Prishvin, V. F. Asmus and many others.
Books from this collection can be found in bibliographical index “Book collection of Ivan Ignatjevich Khalturin / comp. E. D. Rychkova, S. A. Shichova. – Kirov, 2007. – 75 p.”